Harvestegy, Inc.

Our Mission

Harvestegy, Inc. is a 501c3 tax-exempt non-profit organization devoted to the advancement of the various mediums of arts. Our mission is to educate, enrich, develop and provide the necessary resources and atmosphere for youth and young people to find, embrace and display their gifts and talents through the arts, entrepreneurial empowerment and development regardless of their challenges and cultural backgrounds. 

Our Vision

Harvestegy Inc. is focused on changing the game! As a society, we have been taught to process our thoughts, feelings and beliefs and restrict them by placing them in a box that meets the approval of everyone else. Our desire is to provide an atmosphere where those same thoughts and feelings can be displayed on a national forum that caters to individual experiences. Our goal is to break down the barriers of sex, race and culture by displaying our gifts through our arts.

For more information, contact us at harvestegyinc@gmail.com or click here.